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​Is It Better to Use Glass or Metal Mixing Bowls?

Apr. 19, 2023


The choice between glass and metal mixing bowls depends on a variety of factors, including personal preference, intended use, and budget. In this article, we'll explore the advantages and disadvantages of both glass and metal mixing bowls to help you make an informed decision.

Advantages of Glass Mixing Bowls:

  • Non-Reactive: Glass mixing bowls are non-reactive, which means they won't react with acidic ingredients like vinegar, citrus juice, or tomatoes. This is especially important when making dishes that require marinating or when mixing acidic ingredients like salad dressings or marinades.

  • Versatile: Glass mixing bowls can be used for a variety of tasks beyond mixing. They can be used for baking, serving, and storing food. They are also microwave safe, which means you can use them to reheat food.

  • Easy to Clean: Glass mixing bowls are easy to clean and do not retain odors or flavors from previous dishes. They can be washed in the dishwasher, making them convenient for busy cooks.

  • See-Through: Glass mixing bowls are see-through, which allows you to monitor the progress of your mixture. This is especially useful when making whipped cream, meringue, or any other recipe that requires the mixture to reach a certain consistency.

Disadvantages of Glass Mixing Bowls:

  • Fragility: Glass mixing bowls are fragile and can break or crack if dropped or mishandled. This can be a safety hazard, as broken glass can cause cuts or injuries.

  • Heat Sensitivity: Glass mixing bowls are sensitive to sudden changes in temperature and can crack or shatter if exposed to extreme heat or cold. This makes them unsuitable for use on the stovetop or in the oven.

    Stainless Steel Mixing Bowl

Stainless Steel Mixing Bowl

Advantages of Metal Mixing Bowls:

  • Durability: Metal mixing bowls are durable and can withstand a lot of wear and tear. They are less likely to break or crack compared to glass mixing bowls, making them a safer option.

  • Heat Tolerance: Metal mixing bowls can withstand high temperatures, making them ideal for use on the stovetop or in the oven. They can also be used as a double boiler, which is useful when melting chocolate or making custard.

  • Lightweight: Metal mixing bowls are lightweight and easy to handle, which is useful when working with heavy ingredients.

  • Affordable: Metal mixing bowls are generally more affordable than glass mixing bowls, making them a budget-friendly option.

Disadvantages of Metal Mixing Bowls:

  • Reactive: Metal mixing bowls can react with acidic ingredients like vinegar, citrus juice, or tomatoes. This can cause a metallic taste in the food and can even discolor the mixture.

  • Not See-Through: Metal mixing bowls are not see-through, which makes it difficult to monitor the progress of your mixture. This can be a disadvantage when making whipped cream or meringue.

  • Scratches Easily: Metal mixing bowls can scratch easily, which can lead to the accumulation of bacteria or food particles. This can be a hygiene issue, especially if the scratches are deep.


In conclusion, both glass and metal mixing bowls have their advantages and disadvantages. Glass mixing bowls are non-reactive, versatile, easy to clean, and see-through, but are fragile and sensitive to heat. On the other hand, metal mixing bowls are durable, heat-tolerant, lightweight, and affordable, but can be reactive, not see-through, and scratch easily.

Ultimately, the choice between glass and metal mixing bowls comes down to personal preference and intended use. If you're looking for a bowl that won't react with acidic ingredients, go for a glass bowl. If you need a bowl that can withstand high temperatures or want a more durable option, go for a metal bowl. 


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